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Riparian forest restoration generally involves introduction of later‐successional tree species, but poor species suitability to severely altered or degraded site conditions results in high mortality and poor community development. Additionally, while microtopographic heterogeneity plays a crucial role in the development of natural riparian forests, little is known regarding effects of restored or created microtopography on the development of introduced plant communities. The objective of this study was to determine the influence of created microtopography and soil treatments on early development of introduced pioneer and later‐successional plant communities in riparian forest restoration. Ridges, flats, and a mound‐and‐pool complex were created, and pioneer and later‐successional tree assemblages were planted within plots in each of these three microtopographic positions. Straw‐based erosion control mats were placed on half the plots as a source of mulch. After two growing seasons, growth and survival of the pioneer assemblage were equal among microtopographic positions, but survival of the later‐successional assemblage was significantly higher on ridges (59%) than on mounds and pools (22%) and flats (26%). A suitability index indicated that performance of the later‐successional assemblage on ridges was higher than that of the pioneer assemblage for all microtopographic positions. Flood duration explained much of the variation in plant assemblage survival, and erosion control mats had little influence on seedling survival. Restoring microtopographic features has the potential to enhance species survival and promote community development. Microtopographic restoration may be as important in riparian forest restoration as proper species selection and hydrologic reestablishment, especially at severely disturbed sites.  相似文献   
Vegetation composition and forest stand development are frequently mediated by browsing herbivores. These relationships have received little attention in a forest restoration context even though White‐tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) is likely to influence these agriculture, forest, and restored ecosystem mosaic landscapes. Tree species composition, herbaceous vegetation, and deer browsing patterns were assessed 5 and 7 years following bottomland hardwood forest restoration on a 526‐ha site in the Cache River watershed in southern Illinois, United States. Light‐seeded tree species (Fraxinus pennsylvanica, Acer negundo, Liquidambar styraciflua, and Platanus occidentalis) of volunteer origin dominated the woody vegetation component, with especially high stocking and density near existing forest cover and potential seed sources. At more distant locations, presumably planted Quercus spp. were more likely to dominate and were the only tree species found in 15% of plots in year 7. Quercus stocking increased over the course of the study, constituting 7% of trees during year 7. Deer herbivory was associated with reduced stem height and disproportionately impacted seedlings of Quercus palustris and Celtis spp. Our results suggest that deer browsing influences forest stand composition and density as a function of distance from the nearest forest edge. Herbaceous vegetation had little impact on early stand development. Continued spread of the exotic and invasive Lonicera japonica and potential mortality of F. pennsylvanica due to an anticipated Emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis) epidemic, combined with low stand density and delayed canopy closure, may result in persistent overstory gaps and compromise long‐term restoration success.  相似文献   
This study compared the hydrology, physiochemistry, and amphibian biomass between a complex of created vernal pools and a complex of natural vernal pools in 2007 in central Ohio, United States. Hydrologic connectivity of surface water and groundwater differed between the natural and the created pool complexes. Surface inundation duration for created pools exceeded that of natural pools, although spring water depths were similar. Dissolved oxygen (p= 0.05) and hourly temperature (p= 0.00) were 1.2% and 1.1% higher, respectively, in the created pools, and conductivity was 1.5% higher (p= 0.00) in the natural pools. Amphibian dip net results found no significant difference in biomass between natural and created pools or family (hylid, ranid, and ambystomatid) biomass in both pool types. Amphibian families were evenly represented by both capture methods in the created wetlands; however, the distribution of families was not even in natural pools and the proportion of ranids was four times greater for samples obtained by funnel traps than dip netting. Eleven years after construction, the created vernal pools did not mimic natural pools in surface inundation and groundwater–surface water exchange, dissolved oxygen, and water temperature. The created pools are perched wetlands and are never likely to mimic reference pool hydrology. Dissolved oxygen and temperature differences are likely due to the separation of surface water and groundwater in the created pools. However, the created pools exhibited a higher taxa diversity than the natural pools due to a more even distribution of organisms between the three families.  相似文献   
盐城滨海湿地生态功能的空间差异对该区的保护/开发具有重要的指导意义,水文地貌分类为生态功能的评价提供了良好的前提条件。根据盐城滨海湿地2006-2007年Alos遥感影像数据制作湿地景观图,同时通过DEM和水文水动力条件图,借助Arcgis9.2的空间分析功能确定水文地貌单元(HGMU)。在此基础上,利用实地调查数据和湿地景观数据对不同水文地貌单元的湿地生态功能进行评价。结果表明:(1)盐城海滨湿地包括7类水文地貌单元(HGMU),不同HGMU生态系统类型差异较大;(2)同种HGMU生态功能基本处于同一等级,不同HGMU的生态功能差异明显;(3)盐城海滨湿地不同HGMU单元生态功能由大到小排序为:淡水双向-冲积区(河口)、海水天双向-泥粉砂带、海水月双向-泥滩带、海水年双向-草滩带、淡水单向-冲积区、淡水单向-海积区和淡水单向-冲积海积区。其中,河口湿地、淤泥质滩涂和草滩带湿地在维护盐城海滨湿地生态功能中具有重要地位。  相似文献   
近年来由于气候变化,极端天气现象及其相应的自然灾害的频繁发生,致使人类面临严峻的挑战,全球环境问题已备受瞩目。湿地碳循环在全球气候变化中具有不可忽视的作用,研究湿地系统与大气中碳素的交换,有助于深入了解湿地生态系统对大气环境的影响。在生物量和土壤温室气体排放测定的基础上,对洞庭湖白沙洲湿地4种主要植被系统与大气碳素交换进行研究,结果表明:杨树人工林、芦苇和苔草3种植被系统净生产力吸收大气中碳量分别为9.88、6.83.thm-.2a-1和4.07.thm-.2a-1,土壤排放碳量(包括CH4中的碳素)分别为3.08、2.79.thm-.2a-1和2.80t.hm-.2a-1,3种植被系统每年净吸收大气中的碳6.80、4.07t.hm-.2a-1和1.27t.hm-.2a-1,都是大气CO2的汇;黑藻与竹叶眼子菜混交群落净生产力吸收大气碳1.23.thm-.2a-1,土壤排放的碳1.32t.hm-.2a-1,该系统每年向大气净排放0.09t.hm-.2a-1,是一个弱的CO2排放源;将CH4温室效应是CO2的21倍折算成CO2量,杨树林土壤排放CO2量(包括CH4折算成CO2量)为16.19t.hm-.2a-1,比植被净生产力吸收的少16.64t.hm-.2a-1,对大气温室效应而言,该系统是温室气体的汇;芦苇、苔草以及黑藻与竹叶眼子菜混交群落土壤排放CO2量(包括CH4折算成CO2量)分别是43.68、39.19t.hm-.2a-1和32.22t.hm-.2a-1,比植被净生产力吸收的还多20.60、24.27.thm-.2a-1和27.71.thm-.2a-1,对大气温室效应而言,这3种湿地植被系统都是温室气体排放源。  相似文献   
滨河湿地不同植被对农业非点源氮污染的控制效果   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
滨河湿地作为连接河流水体和陆地的一个功能过渡界面区,是河流生态系统与陆地生态系统进行物质、能量、信息交换的一个重要过渡带,也是保护河流水体的最后一道屏障,对水质净化和农业非点源污染控制起着非常重要的作用。以黄河湿地国家自然保护区孟津扣马段为研究对象,采取野外定位观测试验和稳定同位素示踪(人工富集15N源的同位素稀释法)相结合的方法,研究了滨河湿地土壤对农业非点源氮的持留作用、渗漏到地下水中的农业非点源氮和湿地不同植被对滞留在土壤中的农业非点源氮的吸收作用。结果显示:通过地表径流进入滨河湿地的农业非点源氮在3个实验样方的垂向和侧向都发生了渗漏。滨河湿地土壤对农业非点源氮的滞留作用主要发生在0—10cm,相当于一个过滤器的功能。3种受试植被土壤表层的滞留量为芦苇(0.045mg/g)藨草(0.036mg/g)水烛(0.032mg/g),分别占到土壤滞留氮的59.2%、56.3%和56.1%。滞留在土壤中的农业非点源氮污染存在一个相对较长的效应。滨河湿地特殊的氧化还原条件导致强烈的土壤微生物反硝化作用以及滨河湿地植被对氮素的吸收作用,使得0-10cm土层土壤外源氮变化速度最快,1个月后,滞留芦苇、水烛、藨草样方中15N下降了77.8%、68.8%和8.3%;3个月后,芦苇、藨草、水烛样方中的15N下降了93.3%、72.2%和37.5%。滨河湿地复杂的水文过程,使得滞留在土壤表层的农业非点源氮迁移转化更为复杂多变。监测数据显示,在实验设计的浓度和强度范围内农业非点源氮没有对地下水造成影响。不同植被和同一植物的不同生长时期对滞留在土壤中氮的吸收能力差别较大,吸收量依次为芦苇嫩芽(9.731mg/g)老芦苇(4.939mg/g)藨草(0.620mg/g)水烛(0.186mg/g)。通过对生物量计算得出滨河湿地芦苇、水烛和藨草对农业非点源氮的吸收能力分别为氮吸收量96.11、3.76、0.32kg/hm2。可见,滨河湿地作为连接河流与陆地的缓冲带,通过截留、过滤、植物吸收等过程能有效的削减农业非点源氮对临近地表水体污染,对农业非点源氮污染控制起着非常重要的作用。合理的滨河湿地保护与利用模式对河流水环境保护具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
深圳市1988—2007年间湿地景观动态变化及成因分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
曾辉  高启辉  陈雪  李贵才 《生态学报》2010,30(10):2706-2714
城市湿地是城市生态安全体系构成的重要组成部分。以深圳地区为工作区,利用多时段遥感资料和土地利用变更调查数据,进行1988—2007年期间工作区内湿地景观动态变化特征分析,探讨快速城市化背景下湿地景观动态变化的成因。结果表明,研究时段内深圳市湿地总面积损失了35.7%,不同湿地类型及不同行政单元内湿地的动态变化表现出明显差异。建设用地扩张是工作区内湿地损失的主要原因并且其影响表现为一种非均匀过程;功能差异是导致不同湿地类型之间动态变化差异的主要成因;区域社会经济和自然环境条件差异是导致不同行政单元之间湿地动态变化差异的主要影响因素。  相似文献   
该文略述美国湿地植物指示指标由来并以俄亥俄州立大学湿地研究园人工实验湿地为例,详细地列出了该人工湿地建成15年后的植物及美国湿地植物指示。这个实例有助于中国的湿地恢复及保育。  相似文献   
1995—1999年黄河三角洲东部自然保护区湿地景观格局变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘艳芬  张杰  马毅  单凯  靳晓华  王进河 《生态学杂志》2010,21(11):2904-2911
基于1995和1999年的Landsat TM遥感影像,结合地理信息系统技术,分析黄河改道清8汊(1996年)前后的1995—1999年黄河三角洲东部自然保护区(位于黄河现行流路入海口处)湿地景观格局的变化特征,以及影响湿地景观格局变化的驱动因素.结果表明:1995—1999年,保护区湿地仍以天然湿地为主,人工湿地比重极小,期间非湿地面积大幅增加,而天然湿地和人工湿地面积则呈下降趋势,其中,裸露淤泥质滩涂和沼泽湿地面积明显萎缩;尽管保护区湿地景观类型、形状、结构的变化程度不均一,且各景观类型在空间分布上的团聚程度变化不均衡,但总的看来,保护区景观整体结构趋于复杂化,破碎化程度有所加深,内部各景观类型从大块连续的镶嵌分布向小块离散分布转变;影响保护区湿地景观格局变化的主要因素有3个:黄河改道、黄河断流和人类活动.  相似文献   
潜流型菖蒲人工湿地不同C/N对污染物的去除效率   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选取炉渣和砾石为基质,以无植被为对照,分别设置低、中、高浓度的3个碳水平(C1、C2、C3)和3个氮水平(N1、N2、N3)处理,研究潜流型菖蒲人工湿地在不同C/N下净化生活污水中COD、总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)的效果。结果表明,在不同C/N下,菖蒲人工湿地对污水中COD、TN的去除效果显著高于无植被的人工湿地,菖蒲植被能增加人工湿地COD去除率10.53%,增加TN去除率6.73%;而对于TP的去除,有无植被无显著差异。随着进水N、P浓度及C/N的变化,菖蒲湿地对COD、TN和TP的去除率分别为67.57%~75.85%、20.91%~56.82%和7.15%~17.78%;同时,菖蒲植株对N、P的积累量也相应的变化,其地上部的N、P积累量为4.44~14.79和1.11~3.37g.m-2,平均占湿地N、P去除率的6.91%和10.67%;地下部的N、P积累量分别为2.35~5.20和0.74~1.41g.m-2,平均占湿地N、P去除率的2.69%和6.02%。植物地上器官对湿地N、P的积累量大于地下部,有利于通过收割作用去除湿地系统中的N、P。  相似文献   
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